Five Inspirational Articles for Women Facing Challenges
Women ahead of us have lived courageous lives as they faced
personal and societal challenges.
We can learn from women facing challenges and be inspired by them to continue living their lives with intention, purpose, passion, and joy.
“We’re proud that Feedspot has recognized Loop See Ladder Blogs as one of the Top 100 Women-over-Fifty Blogs on the Web. This recognition underscores our commitment to providing valuable content and resources for women like you.”
Inspiration For Myself from Women Facing Challenges - A Preamble
The other day, I wrote a blog about Women 55+ and the personal and societal challenges they face as they age. This is the information we need to be aware of.
That information can help us examine our lives and the lives of our friends and neighbours more carefully and take comfort in the fact that we are not alone.
We can also examine where we can make personal changes in our lives. And also in society. There is work to do. Doesn’t that make us feel wanted? We can find a niche to work in, roll our sleeves up, and make a difference.
Today, let’s take a look at articles that I found inspiring. The life stories of problems faced by Women 55+ are intriguing and incredible. Their stories and the wisdom we gain from them are being brought to life—especially on the web. These are stories about women facing challenges and thriving.
Silent Loops No More
Women’s lives used to be more private behind closed doors. Yet history tells us many stories of brave women coming forward—in my lifetime and before—that changed society.
The suffragettes. Women who challenged property laws and the laws that said they were the males' property in their family. Women who challenged divorce laws, abuse laws, birth control laws and abortion laws. Women who challenged employment laws.
It amazes and saddens me that these fights still go on and the same issues facing women repeat.
The most incredible struggle is within a woman as she learns her self-worth and gains the confidence to move forward with a more intentional, purposeful and joyful life.
Let Us Climb Ladders To A Better Future
I want to point you to inspiring articles. You may be motivated by this, too.
A Refugee's Story of Finding Friendship and Realizing Her True Talent In America. I first read this story in print from Oprah magazine. It inspired me so much that I tore out a picture of Hawa Diallo and taped it on my wall. It reminds me of the beauty and talent hidden within me.
Author Amy Maclin writes: “Refugee Hawa Diallo was hiding from the world—until she discovered the worlds hidden inside her.”
I encourage you to read this article about Hawa. Amy is responsible for the words. But it is Hawa’s story about: “When she holds a brush, she's no longer defined by what she's not—not a man, not literate, not someone with money. Painting is about what is, what's inside her.”
Because Hawa has a story—a history—full of struggle and awful things, her art helped her work the memories out, release the bags of cement she carried inside her, and showcase her talents. We all must discover our abilities, no matter what age we are. These are challenges faced by women today.
6 Fabulous Women Over the Age of 50 Who Will Inspire You to Work on Yourself. This article concerns six women who “maintain a high level of discipline and internal harmony, all in the name of beauty and health.” They are Yolanda Hadid, Sharron Davies MBE, Sharon Stone, Jane Seymour, Christie Brinkley, and Susan Lucci.
I like Sharon Stone's statement: “This idea that being youthful is the only beautiful thing simply isn’t true. I don’t want to be an ageless beauty. I want to be a woman who is the best I can be at my age.”
It is essential to be active, to care for ourselves with healthy eating and care routines, and to dress in the best way possible because it makes us feel better and helps us bring out our inner beauty.
Meet the ‘Oldfluencers’ - Canadian baby boomers putting a new face on aging. “I think our age faces a stereotype that we’re done, that we’ve raised our families (and) now we’re just going to sit in a chair — that’s not the way it is,” Boyko tells Global News’ The New Reality.
And that is what this article is about—people living their best lives—being TikTok stars, writing books, climbing mountains, and breaking the mould of the negative image of older folks. They are the economic driver of the economy, and they are making waves.
Melissa Davey said: “Women are marginalized and become invisible at a certain age,” she explained. “A woman’s age is not her story.” And “What I learned from her is it’s never too late to entertain the thought that you might be able to do something that you were pretty sure you couldn’t do.”
There are many videos embedded in those articles that will inspire you. Let’s go on to live our best life because of women who have gone before us.
Changing Channels is an article about many women who had dreams and had to wait a long time to fulfill them or realize what they were. Here are some quotes from the article:
“When women turn 50, the world starts to tune them out. According to research, employers see them as less valuable and are more likely to discriminate against them. Hollywood disproportionately portrays them as unattractive, unfriendly and stupid. Many women describe a sense of invisibility.”
“[For] everyone I know around my age, there’s this major energy shift in being able to ask the question: Well, what do I want now?”
The Post asked eight women who achieved personal or professional milestones after age 50 to share their experiences in their own words.
Suzanne Watson, 57, Cincinnati - Became a doctor 25 years after being accepted to medical school.
Patricia Forehand, 57, Perry, Ga. - Retired educator turned comedian.
Vi Lyles, 68, Charlotte - Entered politics and now runs her city.
Bettye LaVette, 73, West Orange, N.J. - It took decades to hit it big (in her singing career.)
Sandy Warshaw, 85, New York - Chose to live as an openly gay woman.
Iris Gomez, 63, Milton, Mass. - Lawyer turned novelist.
Ginny Donohue, 71, Syracuse, N.Y. - Left corporate finance to start a shoestring nonprofit.
Ernestine Shepherd, 82, Baltimore - Became a champion bodybuilder after long avoiding exercise.
Please go and read the stories of these women. There is inspiration galore. Who knows what might inspire you to live your dream?
5. 10 Women Over 50 Who Prove It's Never Too Late to Change the World. When you go to this article, click through the slides to learn inspiring stories and see how the following quote holds up: "At this age, I have a long view — I know that we need to stay hopeful and keep fighting."
Inspiration Abounds
It all comes down to what you see, what you feel, what you know and what you look for. Yes. Women 55+ face many challenges and obstacles. But now they are wiser. They have a lived, shared experience. And wisdom brings beauty and change. Seek out the inspiring stories of problems faced by women in society to help you live your best life - no matter your age. A life lived with intention, purpose, and joy.
A Challenge For You:
Click on the links above, poke around those sites and read the inspiring stories of Women 55+.
Then, choose one area in your life you would like to improve.
Just do it. Make the changes that have you moving forward with courage and confidence.
You are amazing!
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