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Empowering Insights: Blogs to Inspire Your Journey

L.O.P.S. - A Framework For Women 55+ Achieving Life Balance
L.O.P.S. is a framework to help women over 55 work at achieving life balance.
In doing so, they can live with intention, purpose and joy.

5 Simple Actions That Change A Woman’s Life
Women over 55 can create a more intentional, purposeful and joyful life.
Here are five simple steps to implement daily to help you move up your growth ladder. These are simple actions that change a woman’s life.

What If Exercises to Generate New Ideas for Women Over 55
What if exercises are an excellent way for women 55+ to generate new ideas.
Create space to do ‘What-If?’ scenarios to help you create more ways to live your best life with intention, purpose, passion and joy.

Meditation Practice For Calmness and Clarity for Women 55+
Fostering a meditation practice is an incredibly beneficial addition to your life.
It brings calmness and clarity and helps women over 55 live their best lives with intention, purpose, passion, and joy.

Planning Tools For Intentional Living for Women 55+
To live intentionally means to create a roadmap of where you want to go.
There are planning tools to help you map out your journey to live your best life with intention, purpose, passion and joy.

Women Journaling Through Loops to Step Up Ladders
Women over 55 encounter many experiences in a day that clog their brains.
Journaling through loops on their morning pages helps empty their minds and creates space for new insights. This allows them to live their best lives with intention, purpose, passion and joy.

Women Can Create a Wheel of Life to Visualize Balance
Our life can slowly or quickly get out of balance.
When that happens, you can create a Wheel of Life that can help visualize where you are and where you can make adjustments, climb the growth ladder, and live your best life with intention, purpose, passion and joy.

Women 55+ Learn with Intention to Create Their Best Life
Are you ready to make big plans or confront a problem that needs solving?
Using your learning style to create great plans, make good decisions, and live your best life with intention, purpose, passion, and joy is essential. Learn with intention.